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This guide serves as a starting point for Storage Providers to understand F3. The sections will be filled with more detailed content based on questions that arises over time


🌟 Introduction

This guide provides essential information for Storage Providers about F3 (Fast Finality) in the Filecoin network. We'll cover what F3 is, why it's important, and what it means for Storage Providers.

F3 (Fast Finality) in Filecoin is a significant upgrade coming to Filecoin in network version 24.

In this guide, we will:

  1. Define 💭 What is F3 (Fast Finality)? and its purpose
  2. Explain 👥 Who Needs to Run F3?
  3. Discuss the ⚙️ Implications for Storage Providers
  4. Address potential concerns and frequently asked questions

💭 What is F3 (Fast Finality)?

F3 is a new component in the Filecoin network that dramatically reduces finalization times. Some key highlights that F3 brings to the network is:

🏁 F3 reduces finality time from 7.5 hours (900 epochs) to just a couple of minutes.

🤝 It works alongside the existing Expected Consensus (EC) mechanism.

🎬 It provides deterministic finality, improving upon EC's probabilistic finality.

👥 Who Needs to Run F3?

Storage Providers: All block-producing eligible storage providers (i.e., those with at least 10TiB raw power) automatically participate in F3 without any extra setup.

Other network participants do not actively participate in the F3 consensus process, but they leverage F3 in various ways:

⚙️ Implications for Storage Providers